Dictionary Attacks →

The very obvious method of attacking any login form is just to brute force the credentials. But in this kind of brute force, we don't simply try numbers or simple alphabets. What we do is take an existing dictionary of commonly used username/passwords and use those to see if we can find the right combination. This is known as Dictionary Attack.To perform a dictionary attack we can use a lot of tools like Hydra or Medusa but the issue with these CLI tools is that we need to provide a lot of arguments to them started and that could be confusing. That is why when trying a dictionary attack on a web application/form it's better to use Burp Suite.

Steps →

Now while the Capture is On in burp suite, enter any values you like in the username and password field.

Send this request to the intruder and for the position of the payload, we are just going to guess the password for the user jack. For payload, you can use any know default password list or maybe load a part of RockYou.

Start the attack and wait for a bit. If you did everything correctly you'll notice that one of the requests sent by an intruder will have a bigger response then all of the others.

Re Registation →

A lot of times what happens is that developer forgets to sanitize the input(username & password) given by the user in the code of their application which can make them vulnerable to things like SQL injection but SQLi could be a bit difficult to exploit. So we are going to focus on a vulnerability that happens because of a developer's mistake but is very easy to exploit i.e re-registration of an existing user.

Let's understand this with the help of an example, say there is an existing user with the name admin and now we want to get access to their account so what we can do is try to re-register that username but with slight modification. We are going to enter " admin"(notice the space in the starting). Now when you enter that in the username field and enter other required information like email id or password and submit that data. It will actually register a new user but that user will have the same right as normal admin. And that new user will also be able to see all the content present under the user admin.

No Auth →

A lot of systems don't even have proper authentication and their system is just left open for anyone to exploit it.

A lot of time on websites we see that when we register a user and login with our credentials we are given a certain id which either is completely a number or ends with a number. Most of the time developers secures their application but sometime in some places, it could happen that just by changing that number we are able to see some hidden or private data.