So this a directory buster basically some alternatives to this are dirb,gobuster which are also directory busting tools.


Opens up a GUI

Where you put the target url like shown in the picture below and yeah do add the port at the end as well its important

So here we type in the IP address like its specified in the image and then we select a wordlist file there is built in ones in the path that we have specified and you can use those.We also changed the Number of Threads go faster section.

So this basically What we are doing is that we are going to diffrent web directories and this does the traversal and navigate to these for us and it will also look for specific file extensions for us .(In this context we are on Apache so its mostly using php).And we can define whatver file extension we want but only define the ones you need because if we define more than we need its gonna take a lot of unnecsary time (About n* number of extensions added) n here is the no. of items in the wordlist

and the results would be something like this

Port Ennumeration