What is Serialization ?

Serialisation at an abstract is the process of converting data - specifically "Objects" in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) languages such as Java into lower-level formatting known as "byte streams", where it can be stored for later use such as within files, databases, and/or traversed across a network. It is then later converted from this "byte stream" back into the higher-level "Object". This final conversion is known as "De-serialisation"

Good resource to learn from : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/classes-objects-java/


"Objects" in a programming-context can be compared to real-life examples. Simply, an "Object" is just that - a thing. "Objects" can contain various types of information such as states or features. To correlate to a real-world example...Let's take a lamp.

A lamp is a great "Object". a lamp can be on or off, the lamp can have different types of bulbs - but ultimately it is still a lamp. What type of bulb it uses and whether or not the lamp is "on" or "off" in this instance is all stored within an "Object".


A "serialisation" attack is the injection and/or modification of data throughout the "byte stream" stage. When this data is later accessed by the application, malicious code can result in serious implications...ranging from DoS, data leaking or much more nefarious attacks like being "rooted"!